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We love to live lagom

The main thing we have noted is that come bin day our black bin bags are 1/3 what they used to be but our recycling boxes are overflowing. I'm now starting to wonder why we are given such small recycling boxes! Getting the new recycling system was by far the best purchase for us as a family and has made the biggest change!

Our home grown produce is thriving and we are considering getting a mini greenhouse for the garden as the kids have loved running out every morning to check what has grown the most overnight! Our eldest loves picking the lettuce and helping mummy make a salad for dinner! When we walk around the green groceries I am continually asked has it grown out of the ground or off a tree. It really has ignited an interest in the kids of where our food comes from. Our eldest now loves to help mum cooking and we have loved learning new recipes with the new kitchen equipment especially the pressure cooker! I have no idea how I ever had the time to do a casserole in the oven for half a day! The freezer to oven containers are a live saver when Peter announces he is having another work night out and it is dinner for one!

The battery charger was a huge game changer, I hadn't realised how many batteries we were getting through with the kids noisy plastic toys, the remote controls and Peter's endless electrical goods! The lagom way even took over our home decor, amazed at the amount of paper the kids would consume with their colouring we decided to paint a chalkboard feature in the lounge. It has become the hub of all playdates and I can't remember the last time I bought a pad of paper for the kids to draw on. It has really encourage their creative sides and us parents often get involved too!

My laundry pile has become considerably smaller I no longer chuck clothing into the laundry basket after a day of being worn. I'm more aware that after a hanging out on our storage mirror we can get another days wear out of items.

We will definitely now continue this way of living and recycling it has been such an eye opener and we are so glad we were chosen to be part of the programme.

The whole process has changed our attitudes of sustainability as a family and we all now have a genuine interest in living more economically and environmentally friendly. We have very much become people that preach to our friends and family about the lagom way of life! We have several friends who are wanting to get involved with live lagom and we have recommended they apply next year!

The only failure so far is Peter's reluctance to cycle to work! Some things take longer than 6 months! 

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